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Best Vastu tips for your home 2024

Posted by desirenestadmin on November 21, 2023
Best vastu tips for your Home as per Vastu Shastra

Best Vastu tips for your home in 2024 as per Vastu shastra

Creating a harmonious living space is essential for overall well-being, and one way to achieve this is by incorporating best vastu tips for your home. Vastu Shastra, an ancient Indian architectural science, focuses on the balance and energy flow within a space.Today in this blog from Desirenest, we are going to present some of the best Vastu tips for your home in 2024as per Vastu Shastra.

Entrance Placement as per Vastu shastra:

The entrance of your home is crucial for inviting positive energy. Ensure that the main entrance is in the north, east, or northeast direction. This allows for the influx of beneficial energy and abundance, as per Vastu shastra.

Clutter-Free Spaces as per Vastu shastra:

Decluttering is not just a modern trend; it’s a timeless Vastu shastra principle. A clutter-free environment promotes positive energy flow and enhances the overall atmosphere of your home.

Natural Light and Ventilation as per Vastu shastra:

Well-lit and well-ventilated spaces are fundamental in Vastu. Allow ample natural light and fresh air into your home by using windows and ventilation systems strategically. This not only enhances the energy but also contributes to a healthier living environment as per Vastu shastra.

Bedroom Placement as per Vastu shastra:

Place the bedroom in the southwest direction of the house for stability and a sense of security. Ensure that the bed is positioned with the head facing south for a restful sleep and positive energy as per Vastu shastra.

Colour Harmony as per Vastu shastra:

Colours play a significant role in influencing the energy of a space. Use calming and soothing colours like light blues, greens, and earthy tones for the bedroom, while vibrant colours can be incorporated in social spaces like the living room.

Kitchen Location as per Vastu shastra:

The kitchen, representing the element of fire, is ideally placed in the southeast corner of the house. This ensures a balance of energies and promotes good health and prosperity. Keep the kitchen clean and organised to maintain positive vibrations.

Avoid Mirrors in Bedrooms:

According to Vastu, mirrors in the bedroom can disturb the peaceful energy required for restful sleep. If possible, limit or avoid mirrors in the bedroom. If unavoidable, cover them during the night.

Greenery and Plants:

Incorporating indoor plants not only adds a touch of nature to your home but also purifies the air and enhances positive energy. Choose plants that are easy to maintain and suit the specific Vastu direction.

Electronics Placement:

Keep electronic devices and gadgets away from the bedroom to create a serene and peaceful atmosphere. If possible, avoid placing them in the northeast direction of your home.

Symbolic Decor:

Consider incorporating Vastu-friendly symbols and elements in your home decor. Items like Vastu pyramids, laughing Buddha, and auspicious symbols can enhance positive energy.

Remember, Vastu is about creating a balanced and harmonious living space. While these tips provide a good starting point, it’s essential to trust your instincts and make adjustments that feel right for you and your family. Desirenest family wishes you a Happy homemaking in 2024!

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